Ming Zhang

Ph.D. in Computer System Architecture
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics
School of Computer Science and Technology
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
[Email] csmzhang@hust.edu.cn
[GitHub] https:github.com/minghust

Brief Biography: Ming Zhang received Ph.D. degree in Computer System Architecture (advised by Prof. Yu Hua) from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2024. He was a visiting Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (advised by Prof. Ding Yuan) at the University of Toronto during 2023 - 2024. He received B.E. degree in Computer Science from HUST in 2019. He has published papers in major conferences and journals in the areas of computer systems and architectures, including OSDI, FAST, HPCA, DAC, ACM TOS. His research interests include memory and storage system, distributed system, and computer architecture, focusing on improving performance and reliability.

[FAST] Menglei Chen, Yu Hua, Zhangyu Chen, Ming Zhang, Gen Dong. "GPHash: An Efficient Hash Index for GPU with Byte-Granularity Persistent Memory". In 23rd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), Santa Clara, California, USA, February 25-27, 2025.
(CCF A, Top-Tier Conference in Storage System)

[Paper: to appear]

[OSDI] Ming Zhang, Yu Hua, Zhijun Yang. "Motor: Enabling Multi-Versioning for Distributed Transactions on Disaggregated Memory". In 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Santa Clara, California, USA, July 10-12, 2024. USENIX Association, pages 801-819, 2024.
(CCF A, Top-Tier Conference in System Software)

[Paper] [Slides] [Video] [Code]

[HPCA] Ming Zhang, Yu Hua. "Silo: Speculative Hardware Logging for Atomic Durability in Persistent Memory". In 29th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, February 25-March 01, 2023. IEEE Computer Society, pages 651-663, 2023.
(CCF A, Top-Tier Conference in Computer Architecture)

[Paper] [Slides]

[FAST] Ming Zhang, Yu Hua, Pengfei Zuo, Lurong Liu. "FORD: Fast One-sided RDMA-based Distributed Transactions for Disaggregated Persistent Memory". In 20th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), Santa Clara, California, USA, February 22-24, 2022. USENIX Association, pages 51-68, 2022.
(CCF A, Top-Tier Conference in Storage System)

[Paper] [Slides] [Video] [Code]

[DAC] Ming Zhang, Yu Hua, Xuan Li, Hao Xu. "Scalable Crash Consistency for Secure Persistent Memory". In 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, California, USA, July 10-14, 2022. ACM, pages 817-822, 2022.
(CCF A, Top-Tier Conference in Electronic Design Automation)

[Paper] [Slides]

[ACM TOS] Ming Zhang, Yu Hua, Pengfei Zuo, Lurong Liu. "Localized Validation Accelerates Distributed Transactions on Disaggregated Persistent Memory". ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS), Vol. 19, No. 3, Article 21, pages 1-35, 2023.
(CCF A, Top-Tier Journal in Storage System)


[CRAD] Ming Zhang, Yu Hua, Lurong Liu, Rong Hu, Ziyi Li. "A Write-Optimized Re-computation Scheme for Non-Volatile Memory". Journal of Computer Research and Development (CRAD), Vol. 57, No. 2, pages 243-256, 2020.
(CCF A, in Chinese)


1. Reviewer for ACM Transactions on Database Systems in 2024

2. Reviewer for Journal of Computer Science and Technology in 2023

3. Member of Artifact Evaluation Committee in ASPLOS 2021

  • National Scholarship for Doctoral Students, 2023
  • National Scholarship for Doctoral Students, 2022
  • USENIX OSDI Student Grant, 2024
  • Merit Postgraduate, 2023
  • Huawei Scholarship, 2022
  • Merit Postgraduate, 2022
  • Zhixing Excellence Scholarship, 2020

  • Merit Postgraduate, 2020
  • First-class Scholarship for Doctoral Students, 2019~2023. Courses Weighted Average Score Ranked No.1 in Major
  • Active Participants in Extracurricular Activities, 2021

  • Scholarship for Excellent Source of Postgraduates, 2019

  • Outstanding Graduates and B.E. Thesis, 2019

  • Excellent Performance in Summer Workshop in School of Computing, National University of Singapore, 2018

  • People Scholarship, 2018

  • Outstanding Undergraduates in Term of Academic Performance(本科特优生), 2017

  • Honorable Mention of the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2017

  • People Scholarship, 2017

  • Winning Prize in Software Programming Contest of Amazon SeedCup, 2016

  • People Scholarship, 2016

07/2024 "Motor: Enabling Multi-Versioning for Distributed Transactions on Disaggregated Memory", paper presentation in the 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), 2024 Santa Clara, California, USA
02/2023 "Silo: Speculative Hardware Logging for Atomic Durability in Persistent Memory", paper presentation in the 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2023 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
07/2022 "FORD: Fast One-sided RDMA-based Distributed Transactions for Disaggregated Persistent Memory", invited talk in the 1st CCF CHIP Conference, 2022 Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
07/2022 "Scalable Crash Consistency for Secure Persistent Memory", paper presentation in the 59th Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2022 San Francisco, California, USA
02/2022 "FORD: Fast One-sided RDMA-based Distributed Transactions for Disaggregated Persistent Memory", paper presentation in the 20th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), 2022 Santa Clara, California, USA
09/2019 "A Write-Optimized Re-computation Scheme for Non-Volatile Memory", paper presentation in the 25th National Conference of Information Storage (NCIS), 2019 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
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